The Adolescents (Successful Family Upbringing Series-04)

The Adolescents (Successful Family Upbringing Series-04)

প্রকাশনী : Dakwah Corner Bookstore

The Adolescents is the fourth book in the Successful Family Upbringing Series. It is a book that provides parents with insights and practical advice on how to best support and guide adolescents through this challenging stage of life. Learn about the unique challenges and opportunities of adolescence, gain insights into the adolescent-parent relationship, and discover proven strategies for supporting and guiding adolescents.

The Adolescents (Succe...

The Adolescents (Successful Family Upbringing Series-04)

This book explores the uncharted waters of adolescence, where individuals straddle the line between childhood's familiar shores and adulthood's distant horizon. While echoes of childhood linger in a fifteen-year-old's heart, the storm clouds of puberty unleash unique challenges. It's as if they're caught in a tempestuous sea, and we, the adults, need the expertise and compassion to guide them through.

Think of adolescence as a three-act play. The curtains rise around age twelve, marking the dawn of early adolescence. By fifteen or sixteen, the plot thickens in middle adolescence. Finally, the late act unfolds, culminating in young adulthood around twenty-one or twenty-two. It's almost like adolescence mirrors the educational journey: middle school, high school, and college, each stage with its own complexities and triumphs.

So, dear reader, join us as we delve into the depths of this fascinating phase, where we'll encounter not just challenges, but also the extraordinary resilience and boundless potential that defines adolescence.

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Tk 440.00 Tk 400.00
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