She is the Queen

She is the Queen

লেখক : Dr Muhammad Al Arifi

প্রকাশনী : Dakwah Corner Bookstore

She is the Queen is a collection of real, inspiring stories about Muslim women who have overcome challenges and adversity to live their best lives. This book is full of inspiration, motivation and empowerment for any Muslim woman.

She is the Queen: Inspiring Journeys of Women Embracing Strength and Purpose

This book celebrates inspiring journeys of women who have found strength and purpose in their faith. It starts with a modern-day story of a woman's embrace of Islam, and then delves into the lives of remarkable women from history who faced challenges while holding fast to their beliefs. These diverse narratives showcase the resilience and inner power that resides within women of faith, proving that no external force can diminish their strength or diminish the crown they wear within.

Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or just starting to explore your faith, this book offers a powerful message of empowerment and self-discovery. It's a reminder that every woman is a queen in her own right, capable of overcoming obstacles and living a life guided by faith and purpose.

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Tk 580.00 Tk 530.00
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