Home Trajectory (Successful Family Upbringing Series-01)
প্রকাশনী : Dakwah Corner Bookstore
Home Trajectory is the first book in the Successful Family Upbringing Series. It is a guide for Muslim parents on how to raise their children in the modern world. The book covers a wide range of topics, including the importance of having good intentions, the need for dignity and self-discipline, the importance of truthfulness and trustworthiness, and the dangers of engaging in haram (unlawful) activities.
The book also discusses the challenges that Muslim families face in the modern world, such as the prevalence of alien cultures and the problem of illiteracy, poverty, and unemployment. The author argues that the only way to overcome these challenges is to continue to discuss and write about the matter of child upbringing.
Home Trajectory: The Chall...
Home Trajectory: The Challenges of Upbringing Muslim Children in a Modern World
A harmonious and prosperous Muslim family requires a clear understanding of the values, principles, and practices underpinning Islamic tradition. This understanding serves as a compass, guiding families through the complexities of modern life and safeguarding their moral integrity.
The pervasiveness of modern culture poses a significant challenge to Muslim families. This cultural influx can erode traditional values and practices, leading to internal conflicts and community divisions. To navigate these challenges effectively, Muslim families must carefully consider how to integrate modern influences with their core Islamic beliefs.
Furthermore, widespread illiteracy, poverty, and unemployment among Muslim communities hinder parents' ability to devote the necessary time and resources to their children's upbringing. These socioeconomic factors underscore the urgency of addressing these issues to create a more supportive environment for child development.
Given these challenges, open discussions and ongoing efforts to refine child-rearing practices are essential for the well-being of Muslim families. This book aims to contribute to this ongoing dialogue by providing insights and guidance for nurturing strong and resilient Muslim families in a rapidly changing world.