Fortress of the Muslim (Leather Edition & Large Size)

Fortress of the Muslim (Leather Edition & Large Size)

লেখক : Said Bin Ali Bin Wahf Al Qahthani

প্রকাশনী : Dakwah Corner Bookstore

The Fortress of the Muslim is a collection of authentic supplications (du'as) from the Quran and Sunnah, compiled by the renowned scholar Sa'id bin Ali bin Wahaf Al-Qahtani. It is one of the most popular books of du'as in the world, and has been translated into over 75 languages.

The Fortress of the Muslim: A Daily Companion for Every Muslim

This book is a library of authentic remembrances and supplications every Muslim needs daily. It is highly respected and has been recommended by many distinguished scholars from around the Muslim world.

It is easy to read and understand. The Fortress of the Muslim is written in a simple and straightforward style, making it accessible to Muslims of all ages and levels of knowledge.

It is a source of blessing and guidance. The du'as in the Fortress of the Muslim are powerful ways to invoke Allah's blessings and guidance in our lives. When we recite these du'as with sincerity and devotion, we can be confident that Allah will hear our prayers and answer them.

Whether you are new to Islam or a long-time Muslim, the Fortress of the Muslim is a book that everyone should read. It is a treasure trove of wisdom and guidance that can help us all to live better lives.

InshaAllah, this special version will benefit elderly, young children, and people who like bigger font sizes to read this beautiful and essential book.

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