Excellent Supplications For Everyday Life (Revised)

Excellent Supplications For Everyday Life (Revised)

লেখক : Abu Ahmed Farid

প্রকাশনী : Dakwah Corner Bookstore

This elegantly succinct anthology of prayers is carefully chosen from the Noble Qur’an and the genuine traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

“Excellent Supplications: An Anthology o...

“Excellent Supplications: An Anthology of Qur’anic Du’as and Prophetic Prayers”

Embark on a spiritual journey with “Excellent Supplications,” a meticulously curated collection of invocations drawn from the Noble Qur’an and the authentic traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. This concise yet profound compilation stands apart with its unique approach, offering general supplications that transcend the constraints of time and place, catering to the supplicant’s varying conditions and needs.

Crafted for ease and simplicity, “Excellent Supplications” eschews extraneous footnotes and commentaries, instead presenting pure, undiluted prayers supported by the esteemed scholarship of Shaykh Abdur-Razzak Al-Badr, Shaykh Khalid Al-Juraysi, and Shaykh Sa’eed bin Wahf Al Qahtaani.

Within its pages, you’ll discover:

  • - Practical guidelines for making Du’a effectively.

  • - Optimal times for supplication, amplifying your spiritual connection.

  • - A diverse array of Du’as encompassing daily life and specific moments of need.

  • - Prayers for universal concerns such as guidance, forgiveness, health, and protection.

  • - Specialized Du’as for family well-being, financial stability, and overcoming trials.

“Excellent Supplications” is an indispensable companion for anyone seeking solace and strength through prayer. Whether used daily or in times of particular need, this booklet promises to be a beacon of hope and a shield against life’s adversities. Embrace the power of Du’a and let “Excellent Supplications” guide you towards tranquility and divine grace.

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Tk 530.00

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