Bid’ah Hasanah: The Misunderstood Term!

Bid’ah Hasanah: The Misunderstood Term!

লেখক : Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin

প্রকাশনী : Dakwah Corner Bookstore

This book provides a comprehensive and accurate explanation of Bid'ah (innovations in religion) in Islam. Learn about why Bid'ah Hasanah (good innovations) is not a valid concept, and the dangers of Bid'ah.

Clarification of Bid'ah Hasanah

In the realm of Islam, Bid'ah refers to innovations or additions to the established practices of the religion. This comprehensive and authoritative book delves into the intricacies of Bid'ah, providing a clear and well-grounded understanding based on sound Islamic scholarship.

The book effectively dispels the misconception of Bid'ah Hasanah, the notion that certain innovations can be considered acceptable in Islam. With compelling arguments, the author convincingly demonstrates why Bid'ah Hasanah is not a valid concept within the Islamic framework.

Furthermore, the book addresses prevalent misconceptions surrounding Bid'ah, such as the mistaken belief that 'Umar bin al-Khattab, a revered companion of the Prophet Muhammad, endorsed Bid'ah Hasanah. By carefully examining the sources and providing contextual understanding, the author sets the record straight and clarifies the true Islamic stance on this crucial issue.

Overall, this essential book Bid'ah Hasanah: The Misunderstood Term! is for anyone who wants to understand Bid'ah and its implications for Islam. It is written in a clear and concise style, and it is based on sound Islamic scholarship.

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Tk 480.00 Tk 440.00
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