The Glorious Quran

লেখক: ইলাননূর কন্টেন্ট | তারিখ: Dec 10, 2024
The Glorious Quran

Detail About The Glorious Quran

Published By ilannoor Publication

Compiler: ilannoor Editorial Board
Edition: III
Subject: The Glorious Quran (Hardcover) - Word for Word Translation
Specialty: The most useful translation book for English speaking people.

Are you reading or listening to the Qur'an without understanding? What else do you read, without understand?

Regular study of the glorious Quran, meaningful lexical translation - will help you to understand the Quran just like learning a child language, In sha Allah.

Even though there are many translations of the meanings of the Quran, they do not help the reader in linking the Arabic words to their meanings. The only purpose of The Glorious Quran Word-for-Word Translation is to facilitate learning the language of the Quran. Even though a few word-for-word translations exist but the format of the present work is different from them.

  • The meaning of each word is given right below it.
  • The translation provided in the left column is kept close to the Arabic and not literal. The objective of the whole exercise is to enable the reader to understand directly from Arabic.
  • Last, but not least, the layout is such that it can also be used for regular recitation enabling constant revision.

Miracles of the Quran

There are around 80,000 words in the Quran, but the actual words are only around 2000!!! This could also be termed as one of the many miracles of the Quran. Accordingly, if a reader decides to learn Quran only 10 new words every day, he can understand the basic message within a period of seven months! So, it is indeed very easy to understand the Quran, provided one is willing to learn it.